
Monday, September 2, 2013

A Photography Project.

Well I've decided to start another Blog. This one though I plan to make it more on Photography. Figure I'd use the "Posts" for particular photos while using "Pages" for photography events or places where I travel to and place those photos there.

I started with Photography in 2008. I had taken a Digital Camera I had been given for my birthday and took a photo which I submitted into a photography contest. It was the Poppy Photo Contest that was held at the Museum of Archeology.

I won 2nd place and was hooked on doing more with my photography. I got involved with green screen photography and had a booth during the Generation 2000 celebration which was held at the El Paso Convention Center.

Later I acquired a DSLR Camera and started doing more with my photography. For awhile I even had a spot at an Art Gallery where I sold some of my photos.

One year I took 2nd place again at an Art Contest that was being held there. It was the Bucky Bowen Western/Southwestern Art Exhibit. The image was titled "Pistoler" and was subsequently purchased by the judge.

I don't have a spot there anymore, but I still have my studio spot with the El Paso Art Association. Just wish I could do more with my photography. I got involved with an online site called See Me.

I took part in an online contest/exhibit and one of my images is currently being displayed digitally at an Art Gallery in New York City.

I've also set up a Go Fund me account, which is a crowd funding site, so as to try and raise funds to upgrade my equipment. I created the site 9 months ago, and although around 40 people have visited the site not one person has donated a single$1.00.

So I'll just continue with the equipment I have and continue to create my artwork. I'm using an Olympus E-520 DSLR Camera and a Canon Vixia HF M30 Video Camera.

Hopefully one day I'll raise the funds I need to upgrade one piece of equipment at a time.

For now I'll just share my work here and where ever I have the chance to.

I even have a Flickr Account where I currently have over 14,000 images uploaded to.
If you have the chance and the time, you're more than welcome to go by and check out my photos.

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