
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

An Afternoon's Drive

Not knowing what else to do this afternoon I went for an afternoon drive. Didn't have any particular place I wanted to go so I just drove looking for something to Photograph.

I've driven East bound along Socorro Road as well as along Alameda and I'm kind of tired at looking at what basically becomes the same ole scene every time. So this time I decided to go East along North Loop.

Wasn't much, but I saw the areas I wanted to photograph on the return trip home. I drove as far out as Clint, though actually it was a little farther than that.

I then turned around and started to photograph what I had seen along the way out to where I turned around.

If anything it makes the trip more interesting. Try going in the opposite direction from which you traveled and try to find what you saw the first time for the first time and remembering where it was.

Of course I tend to take more photos of the same image at different settings just to make sure I got the image correctly done, or take more photos of the same thing because you find you now need glasses to see the instant view of the photo you took and you want to make sure and hope, that at least one image was in focus the way it should be when it becomes enlarged on your computer screen.

Then of course there's photographing the same thing over and over but moving around switching lenses so as to capture the image from a different perspective. Only because sometimes the only difference between a snap shot and an exquisite piece of work might be a difference of two feet.

Let's not forget how when you get home and start processing the images sometimes you can clean up the photos using just the camera raw processor without having to actually use any of the settings in your photo editing software, in my case Adobe Photoshop. Of course it's also nice when you take a photo and you don't have to do anything to it because it came out perfect.

Sometimes you can even use the Raw Processor to process your photos in order to come up with something interesting, or not. Especially when you've used the wrong setting in the camera and had to retake the image so you could get it right.

The one thing I do enjoy about driving around El Paso for different things to photograph is that even though at times you can find different things to shoot that look interesting and capture you're attention,

unless you're willing to look at it from a different perspective or point of view it can be nothing more than a crap shoot.

Yes, the Pun was intended.

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